Friday, July 17, 2009

Tchotchke Follow-up: What's with the KPMG Hand Gel?

A reader, a little late to the game, sent in another picture for our tchotchke contest from a few weeks back. Enjoy:

Look familiar? That's because this is our second submission of Radio Station hand gel. Which begs the obvious question: why the hell is KPMG handing out hand gel? Did Tim Flynn and the boys at the top determine that the touch of soft, creamy hands are the key to great client service? Was the constant high-fiving amongst team members driving many to complain of raw palms? Or perhaps, Bernie Madoff isn't the only one that enjoys a little rub 'n tug in the middle of a tough day?

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  1. No. It's an antibacterial product, not a lotion, designed to reduce the spread of contagious diseases.

  2. For the full range visit
