Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Job First Day Eve

My blog isn't widely read enough that I would announce that I got a job to the universe via this blog but this is the OFFICIAL blog announcement of me getting a new job.

Click here for my reaction. I know, the resemblance is striking.

The eve of a new job isn't really like any other "eve" (e.g. Christmas, New Year's) out there. No presents or projectile vomiting the morning after, just general anxiety of the being the new kid at school. I'll probably eat lunch alone and trip when I walk in front of a big group of pretty girls. You know, the usual.

On the bright side, I won't be working in a Final Big 4 (FB4) working environment (or equivalent) any longer. To get an idea of what the people and the environment is like at one of these firms (or similar regional and local firms) go here:

http://www.stuffaccountantslike.com/ (thanks to a friend and former colleague for the reference). My personal favorites are #4, 5, 7, and 9.

I'm sure you've gotten an idea about my past experiences in other blog posts but this is most comprehensive list I've seen.

I'll be reporting on my new job and no doubt it will provide awesome blogging material. My first day is tomorrow so no doubt I will have something to complain about by the end of the day noon.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to help my Mom pick out my outfit for my first day tomorrow so she can lay it out for me. Sphere: Related Content

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to hear details. so much fun hearing it told with your accountant/sarcastic type wit. :)
